• We Count Femicide Because

    There have been 58 femicides that occurred in 2020-2021 in Ontario. 58 daughters, mothers, aunties, grandmothers, sisters and community members.  We Count Femicide Because is a new initiative of  Building a Bigger Wave Ontario Network (BBW) and OAITH to call attention to and address Femicide rates in Ontario.

    We Count Femicide Because  will raise a public alarm every time a femicide occurs in Ontario. We want to draw attention to the critical need for investments in prevention and to engage leaders in communities and at all levels of government in dialogue focused on the collective work needed to prevent femicide. 

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  • Looking for resources focused on older women?

     The Aging Without Violence (AWV) project  was guided by an inter-sector provincial advisory including stakeholders with expertise in violence against older women, public education, service provider training, research, and improved community responses. The AWV section of our website has tools, resources, and training focused on working with older women who have experienced violence.

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  • Help Us End
    Violence Against Women

    Wrapped in Courage

    November is Woman Abuse Prevention Month. The purple scarf is a symbol of the courage it takes a woman to leave her abuser. However, the courage of the woman is not enough. It takes the support of an entire community to end violence against women.

    This year, the Wrapped in Courage campaign is not selling purple scarves; we are mobilizing Violence Against Women (VAW) shelters across Ontario to remind everyone that now more than ever, violence continues to be the greatest inequality rights issue for women and girls.  Throughout the month of November, we ask Ontarian’s to wear a Purple Scarf to show support for survivors who’ve had to endure gender-based violence in their homes, communities and workplaces. The purple scarf is a symbol of the courage it takes to seek support and safety from violence.

    Take action to end GBV

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    Feb W2TW 

    Download the full February 2019 Word To The Wise

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  • OAITH Releases New 5 Year Strategic Plan

    OAITH is pleased to introduce our five-year strategic plan to our members, ally organizations, partners and supporters who have worked alongside us.

    With all levels of government invested in addressing gender-based violence (GBV) through the implementation of a National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence, we stand united to improve outcomes for survivors.  OAITH is rooted in our commitment to working with our members and ally organizations as you deliver a broad range of services to survivors, their families and your broader community.

  • OAITH submits recommendations to the Ministry of Finance

    OAITH has submitted our recommendations to the Ministry of Finance and presented them to the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs…

  • OAITH Submits Policy Brief to Justice Canada on Coercive Control

    On October 13th, OAITH submitted a policy brief to Justice Canada focused on exploring alternatives to the criminalization of coersive control. …

  • OAITH Lays out Key Priorities Needed for the 2023 Provincial Budget

    OAITH has made a submission to the Ministry of Finance and the Standing Committee on Finance & Economic Affairs focusing on 10 key priorities to improve survivor safety and the quality support they deserve through a 60 Million Dollar investment. OAITH will be sure to measure how Budget 2023 is responsive to our recommendations and the value placed on creating safety and justice for survivors of gender-based violence and those working to end gender-based violence in Ontario.

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